
Many groups in Kent have supported Porchlight with Cardboard Sleepouts for many years now. Kent Scouts first did the “Big Cardboard Sleepout” as a countywide event in October 2018. The event was a resounding success as shown by the following infographic.

The event came second in the annual Charity Event Awards…

So we repeated it again in October 2022….

Yet another “Big Cardboard Sleepout” is now planned for October 2026.

Porchlight and Sustainability

Together, we fight for lasting change.

Poverty, health and housing injustice are complex problems affecting millions of lives. They are also avoidable. We work to improve understanding of the issues and find sustainable solutions to rebalance an unfair system.”

(Source: https://www.porchlight.org.uk/about/our-vision-mission-and-values)