Top 10 Tips on Recycling Your Daily Waste

November 25, 2024

There are so many rules about what you can recycle and how to recycle it. If you don’t know these rules, then sorting your weekly rubbish can seem like you’re a contestant on The Krypton Factor. However, Reliable Skip is here to help you, with our top ten tips on recycling your daily waste.

Know Your Bins

Some councils have incorporated one bin for all recyclable items, while others still use the green and blue system. Green is for paper and cardboard, while blue is for plastics.

Crush Your Tins

Biscuit tins, sweet jars, and similar items are recyclable but ensure you wash them out thoroughly first.

Leave The Crisp Packets

Research published on the Wrap Recycling Report shows that 68% of households put non-recyclable items in their bin. The fact is, crisp packets don’t qualify as recyclable items, so put them in your general waste bin.

Split Pizza Boxes

Most people throw pizza boxes in the bin once they’ve enjoyed their meal. However, cardboard is recycled by creating a pulp like substance, which makes new items. The main problem with pizza boxes is the greasy residue, which can affect the recycling process.

If there’s a small amount of oil, use a kitchen towel to absorb it. Don’t forget, the lid will always be recyclable. Separate both parts and you’ll still be able to recycle 50% of the box.

Cleaning Product Bottles

Always check the instructions on your cleaning bottle before you think about recycling it. There might be important information about hazardous substances, which can cause harm to the environment. If your cleaning bottle is empty, make sure you wash it out to remove any residue.

Take Away & Ready Meal Containers

Indian, Chinese and pretty much any takeaway container will contain a lot of oil residue. If you’re able to recycle them, wash your containers out thoroughly and ensure there’s no food or sauce left in the edges of the lid. Check the material of your plastic container, because there’s evidence that a lot of takeaway containers don’t meet the recycling guidelines.

Drinks Bottles

Wash out your milk and other drinking bottles before recycling them and crush them to make more space in the bin. Some recycling centres don’t accept the lids, so if you’re not sure, ask them.

Leave The Cat Litter

There are people who believe cat litter is recyclable. It isn’t. Putting cat litter in your recycling bin could compromise other materials. Here are some tips on what to do with your cat litter.

No Glitter, Please

Paper and cards are always in high demand, but if your card has glitter on it, then please don’t recycle it. Other items you should leave out include post-it notes, wallpaper, used tissues, cotton wool, and wet wipes. Newspapers, leaflets, brochures, and envelopes with windows are all recyclable.

No Drinking Glasses

Drinking glasses aren’t accepted as recycling. Other items include lightbulbs, pyrex, broken glass and mirrors. Wrap them in tissue and place them in your normal rubbish bin.

(Source: Top 10 Tips On Recycling Your Daily Household Waste – Reliable Skip)

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